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Tesla Cybertruck electric pickup truck ‘fell on its back’ in Mississippi crash

Tesla Cybertruck electric pickup truck 'fell on its back' in Mississippi crash

The first Tesla Cybertruck rollover accident occurred in Vicksburg, Mississippi on June 29.

A Tesla Cybertruck was overturned in an accident in Vicksburg, Mississippi, marking one of the first recorded accidents involving a model BWith the increasing number of Cybertrucks on the road, accidents are inevitable. Tesla’s recent Cybertruck shows that there are currently more than 11,000 of these vehicles in operation on the road in the United States.

According to Tesla’s recent recall, there are currently more than 11,000 Cybertrucks on the road in the United States. This is a significant number and means that the probability of accidents has also increased.

What made this accident special was the fact that the Cybertruck was overturned. This is a rare thing for aTesla, which is famous for its good balance thanks to the large battery cluster located at the bottom, makes the car’s center of gravity lower than The cars use internal combustion engines. In fact, in some crash tests, people couldn’t even flip the Tesla car over despite their efforts.

In the Vicksburg accident, which occurred on June 29, there were four people in the Cybertruck and fortunately they were only slightly injured. The details of the cause of the accident are still unclear, but it appears that the car veered off course and crashed into aroadside land. This earthen wall, which looks like a ramp, may have facilitated the overturn.

The Cybertruck accident in Mississippi is a remarkable event that shows that even cars that are highly valued for their safety can get into an accident. Accommodation As a driver, you need to stay alert and obey traffic laws to ensure the safety of yourself and other road users.

One of the most commonly blamed factors in accidents involving Tesla vehicles is the Autopilot mode and the car’s self-driving ability. However, in this case, there is no way to blame these features because Tesla has yet to launch them on Cybertruck. This accident seems to be entirely due to human factors and surrounding environmental conditions.

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