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Elon Musk demands to remove Bill Gates if he continues to do this

On July 3, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, warned those who short Tesla stock, saying that Bill Gates is no exception.

The Tesla CEO wrote on social media on July 3: “Once Tesla completes its self-driving feature and produces the Optimus robot in large quantities, Anyone who still maintains a short position will be wiped out. Including Gates.”

Elon Musk has previously stated that his dream of the humanoid robot Optimus could help automaker Tesla hit the $25 trillion threshold.

According to CNBC, Tesla first publicly announced plans to develop humanoid robots in 2021 at the AI Day event.

Future plans have not been revealed, but the Tesla CEO has hinted that his robot will one day work like the R2-D2 and C-3PO in Star Wars. They can cook, clean, work in a factory, or even teach.

Tesla said humanoid robots such as Optimus all use its chips, which support Wifi and LTE connectivity; at the same time, it is equipped with articulations of arms, legs, knees… as flexible as humans to serve the process of moving and holding. After a period of refinement, Elon Musk expects Tesla to be able to produce millions of Optimus robots and sell them for about $20,000.

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